1. Google Adsense

Potential blog revenue: $0.1 – $0.5 per page view

Google Adsense allows you to run ads from the Google Display network on your website. If you are brand new blogger Google Adsense is the easiest way to monetize your blog, but you won’t make that much money off of them. Even if you are getting a thousand visitors a month you might make $50 at most of Google Ads. But that’s a start! I used Google Adsense for the first year that I was blogging and then switched over to an ad network to get a higher CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and CPC (cost per click).

2. Advertising/Publisher Networks

Potential monthly blog revenue: $20,000+

Once you’ve reached at least 25,000 page views per month you can (and should) ditch Google Adsense and start working directly with an advertising network (they are also called publisher networks), who will directly manage the display ads on your website to ensure you are making the most money off of your ads. Typically these networks take between 20%-40% of the display ad revenue from your website.

Even with this commission, you can make a lot more money working with an advertiser/publishing network than working directly with Google. Some bloggers absolutely crush it, making $20,000+ a month on display ads alone. There are often ad/publisher networks that specialize in your niche, so just do a simple Google search for [your niche] ad networks and you are likely to find a few that you can reach out to. Some of them are very selective about who they work with, so you might want to reach out to a few others.

3. Affiliate Ads

Potential blog revenue: $5 – $500 per click

Affiliate marketing is legit and you can make a lot of money by placing affiliate ads on your website. In almost any niche you can make money recommending products or services and getting paid every time someone signs up through your link. These are affiliate ads and are a win/win for both bloggers and advertisers because the advertiser gets a confirmed sign up and you, the blogger, will likely get paid more money for a confirmed sign up than a click. Where you might get $1-$3 per click, with affiliate commissions, depending on the product you are promoting, you can make between $5 – $500 (or more!) when someone signs up through your link.

Checkout my list of best affiliate programs.

So how do you make this kind of money? Only recommend products or services that you believe in and/or use. One of the fastest ways to lose the rest of your readers is to recommend a crappy or spammy product just because you will get paid if they click and sign up. It’s not worth it.

Focus on finding affiliate relationships for products that you really believe in and/or use. Not all companies have affiliate programs or they keep them hidden for a smaller group of bloggers. Just reach out to the makers of your favorite products and/or services to see if they have an affiliate program. If they do they might have minimum traffic requirements, and if so, just make a note to contact them when your traffic gets bigger.

To learn all you need to know to make money using affiliate marketing here is the best course I’ve found from my friend Michelle – Make Sense of Affiliate Marketing. The ROI on this course is insane! You can make your money back in just a few weeks. Definitely, check it out it.

Amazon Affiliate Ads

One of the most popular affiliates is Amazon and you can get paid whenever you link to a product listing on Amazon if one of your readers buy the product. While the payouts (what you get paid for sale) aren’t as much on Amazon as going directly to a product or service, they have really easy to use affiliate platform and you can pretty much promote any of the gazillion products on Amazon. The more expensive the product you promote is, the higher the commission you get if someone buys it through your link.

This is one of the reasons people who blog about electronics and cameras and expensive items can absolutely crush it through affiliate ads – every time someone buys a TV through their link they are pocketing up to $200 per transaction. You can earn up to 10% with some transactions. Those numbers add up quickly.

I currently only use Amazon affiliate ads to promote books that I recommend on Millennial Money, but make at least $1,000 per month through Amazon affiliate ads from this post on best money books.

4. Sponsored Content

Potential blog revenue: $50 – $1000 per post

The bigger your blog gets the more people will reach out and offer to pay to put their content on your blog. You are going to get hit up A LOT. About 100 people a week reach out to meet asking for me to put their post on Millennial Money. Typically they will offer between $50 – $1,000 to publish one of their posts on your blog.

You might be thinking, whoah that’s a ton of money just to publish a post someone else has written, but you need to be careful. Google doesn’t like this practice and if they think you are publishing a lot of paid content they could blacklist your blog (which is absolutely terrible and will take you forever to recover from).

You also want to be careful about how often you post sponsored content because the posts are often really crappy or have crappy links included in them. If you are linking from a crappy blog post to a crappy link Google is going to notice and so will your audience. So be very very careful about accepting sponsored content posts, or ask for a much higher fee and write them yourself.

In the 3 years that I’ve been writing Millennial Money, I’ve only accepted 4 total sponsored posts and all of them I ended up rewriting myself and charging a larger fee. And all of them were directly related to ideas/services I already promote. Protect your reader and Google reputation above all else so go easy on the sponsored content!

5. Direct Display Ad Buys

Potential monthly blog revenue: $200 – $2,500 per display

Some brands or companies will reach out to you to put a banner display ad on your website to promote their product. Or you can reach out to companies that align with your target readership and blog niche. Sell the fact that a display ad will be on every page of your blog and get the maximum amount of visibility.

Typically you can get between $200 – $2,500 a month per display depending on the niche you are blogging about. You can sell a 728×90 banner ad for the most money since it’s the most visible when you put it in your blog header. But be careful to not put too many ads your blog – typically you can only sell limited direct display ad buys at a time.

But if you really want you can push this and put smaller ads in your blog sidebar (have you seen those tiny little square ads on websites?) – some bloggers make a ton of money on 100 pixel / 100 pixel ads that are really really targeted. There was recently an app that wanted to be on the Millennial Money homepage for a month, but I don’t put ads on my homepage.

Eventually, they offered me $15,000 for a one-month placement, which I just couldn’t refuse, so I built a temporary box on my homepage just for their ad. Always negotiate – let them make the first offer and then ask for at least $100 – $200 higher. Don’t leave money on the table.

6. Social Media Promotion

Potential blog revenue: $500 – $3000 per promotion

It absolutely blew my mind the first time a brand paid me to tweet. Seriously, I just couldn’t fathom that someone would pay me $500 just to tweet for 30 minutes in a Twitter chat. It was awesome. Since then I’ve been paid between $500 – $3,000 to do simple social media promotions of other people’s content. If you are an influencer or expert in your niche you can likely make money promoting products or services on social media. The bigger your following the more money you can get paid.

Paid promotions are one are where growing a large social audience can really pay off. For example, some bloggers I know with massive Instagram followings make at least $5,000 per month promoting products in their niche (fashion and travel specifically). Sure they have a blog, but they make more money on their social following as they grow their blog.

7. Paid Social Media Content Promotion

Potential blog revenue: $30,000+

This is how many of the largest, most profitable bloggers, make their money. Depending on the niche you write in and the affiliates you work with, you can crush it running Facebook or Google ads to your monetized content. This is an effective and popular blog monetization strategy many bloggers are using.

Basically, the way it works is you buy Facebook traffic to your blog for say 3 cents to $2 dollars per click, but then a certain percentage of that traffic then signs up or buys something through one of your affiliate links.

Then you manage how much you spend on ad clicks to generate affiliate revenue. While this definitely requires some Facebook and/or Google ad testing, over time when you find the winning combination (example for every $1 you spend on ads you make $5 in affiliate revenue) you can scale it quickly. I know some bloggers who spend $20,000 or more on ad traffic to their website, but they make over $30,000 in profit on that ad spend! Some bloggers I know make over $1 million A MONTH by buying and monetizing paid traffic. I’ve never gotten that good at this type of monetization, but it’s definitely something I’ve been exploring and growing on Millennial Money.

8. Courses

Potential blog income: $???

While it will probably be hard for you to dispatch a course not long after dispatching your blog, constructing a course is an incredible method to bring in cash on your blog. It's never been simpler to sell your mastery and bring in cash educating others. You can either have your seminar on your own WordPress blog utilizing modules like WordPress LMS or through an outsider site like Teachable.

In 2017 I dispatched the primary adaptation of the Millennial Money course and it was fruitful to the point that I needed to take it disconnected just a brief time in the wake of dispatching it since I didn't have the foggiest idea what I was getting myself into. Just to offer help to the entirety of the understudies was a test, however the course was unquestionably truly beneficial.

A considerable lot of the bloggers who are companions of mine have dispatched numerous 6 figure courses and a couple have made 7 figures with their courses (yes you read that right – they have made over $1 million from simply dispatching flows through their online journals). On the off chance that you are pondering dispatching a course verify what else is out there in the market and who you will contend with on the grounds that I've additionally observed numerous bloggers dispatch course that they invested a ton of energy fabricating that didn't do well indeed.

In the event that you are wanting to build up a course that somebody is now offering contemplate what might make your course extraordinary and why somebody would get it from you rather than another person. Would your crowd get it? It's regularly best to dispatch a course after you've been composing on your blog for some time and you find out about your crowd and what they are happy to purchase.

9. Talking with Companies

Potential blog income: $500 – $15,000 per conference

In the course of recent years various organizations, both of all shapes and sizes, have paid me expenses as a specialist to do numerous things, such as giving input on a portable application, criticism on another budgetary site, to flying in and working with their plan and advertising groups, or to talk with their monetary counsels about Millennials.

While I've been offered many counseling gigs, I just take the ones where I am truly keen on finding out about the item or enthusiasm for framing a more extended term relationship with an organization. In the event that you become a specialist in your specialty or have a one of a kind perspective, organizations may be happy to pay you for your aptitude.

In the event that you need to get counseling gigs the most ideal approach to do it is in reality through LinkedIn – presumably 80% of my counseling openings have come through LinkedIn messages, not my genuine blog stage. However, in 100% of the cases the organizations are just requesting that I talk with them due to my experience and the Millennial Money blog. A straightforward method to set yourself ready for counseling openings is to interface with different bloggers and individuals who work at organizations in your specialty on LinkedIn.

At that point begin utilizing LinkedIn to convey a portion of your substance. Likewise, whenever that an organization contacts you to audit their item, inquire as to whether they would be keen on having you come in to test and examine it face to face (you may get paid and a free trip to some place cool!). I am ready to charge organizations somewhere in the range of $500 for a brisk call to $15,000 for a one-day visit and workshop with their group.

10. Brand Partnerships

Potential month to month blog income: Up to $25,000

When you begin getting seen in your specialty at that point brands may begin contacting you to talk about ways that you can "cooperate". Be prepared when this occurs and have thoughts and bundles for how you can enable their image to contact your crowd AND the other way around. On the off chance that you band together with the correct brands it will profit you too, since they will share your substance and email their devotees about you also.

I've had the option to create a huge amount of blog adherents through a couple of associations with large brands. Another advantage of huge brands is that they probably have huge financial plans, which implies they have more cash to go through to work with you.

My biggest image association was a $50,000 bargain for a very long time that necessary almost no of my time and was a success win for both my image accomplice and my crowd. One recommendation – most brands will need to begin little with you however don't undersell yourself. On the off chance that a brand is contacting you they need to work with you, so be happy to arrange.

A couple of the early brand bargains I did I truly undersold myself and they wound up being a huge amount of work. After some time you should hope to make longer-term brand associations that are commonly useful and can become reliable types of income for your foundation.

11. Webcast Sponsorships

Potential blog income: $100 – $500 per scene

Podcasting is the wild west at the present time and keeping in mind that it's difficult to bring in enormous cash except if you have a major crowd, it's moderately simple when working with a webcast have like Podbean (the one I use!) to adapt your web recording. This is on the grounds that Podbean has a component that you can pursue free that lets them place little promotions when your web recording.

You don't need to do anything – simply continue podcasting and afterward bring in cash. Another way you can sell advertisements is immediate to a brand or organization that contacts you.

Be that as it may, similar to I stated, it's the wild west so it's difficult to sort out what to charge and what organization's are eager to pay for. Some place in the scope of $100 – $500 per scene is genuinely normal. While I've brought in next to no cash on the Millennial Money Minutes digital recording, I have included webcast ads as a feature of brand associations that I've sold. On the off chance that you are another blogger I'd suggest you get a half year of writing for a blog added to your repertoire before dispatching a web recording. The most noticeably awful thing you can do is burnout and quit taking a shot at your blog. A web recording is a great deal of work.

12. Private 1 on 1 Coaching

Potential blog income: Up to $50,000

I began offering private instructing in the Summer of 2017 and truly appreciate it. It's additionally been a steady method to make predictable income through the Millennial Money stage and interface one on one with my crowd. I've found out such a great amount about training and how to help perusers through my private instructing commitment.

The one test is that, despite the fact that I converse with my private customers either 30 minutes every week or 1 hour like clockwork, it truly takes a considerable amount additional time than that since I plan and I'm likewise continually pondering my customers. This is the reason I just work with 5 individuals all at once. Regardless of how large the blog gets I generally need to work with 5 individuals legitimately since I appreciate it and it's the best path for me to assist individuals with developing their online business and quick track their budgetary opportunity. In 2017 I had the option to make nearly $50,000 through my private training customers.

13. Meeting Speaking

Potential blog income: $1,000 – $15,000 per gig

I can hardly wait until my book is delivered on the grounds that then it will bode well to talk at meetings (since they can purchase books as well!), yet I am accomplishing additionally gigs and make between $1,000 – $15,000 per gig. Meeting talking is extreme however and frequently requires a ton of movement. I'm extremely particular about the occasions that I will talk at, however anticipate proceeding to manufacture this open door through the Millennial Money stage, particularly when I am advancing the book. I know a few bloggers who make in any event $200,000 per year by talking at gatherings.

14. Book Deal

Potential blog income: $???

In the event that you become a specialist in your specialty, are acceptable at expounding on your theme, and you've fabricated a crowd of people, at that point you may be a decent possibility for a book bargain. Book operators and distributers are consistently for capable authors with aptitude. While it may sound insane to consider composing a book at the present time, this could be a genuine chance as you develop your blog.

On the off chance that you would have revealed to me 3 years prior when I began the Millennial Money blog, that I would have the option to sign a book manage a significant distributer I would have thought you were crazy. Truly, you have no clue about where your blog will take you – that is essential for its experience. FYI I'm parting with at any rate 500 duplicates of my book to my book list – in the event that you need to pursue that rundown you can here.

15. Independent Writing Opportunities

Potential blog income: $300 – $1,000 per post

To wrap things up, publishing content to a blog is composing, so the more you blog the better essayist you will become and the almost certain you will at that point have the option to sell that aptitude through independent composing openings. Soooooo numerous organizations and distributions are searching for specialty specialists to compose for them and will pay you to compose. Numerous new bloggers utilize independent composing occasions to enhance their contributing to a blog pay while they are getting their websites off the ground and building a group of people.

Another advantage to bringing in cash independent composing is that you can get more presentation as a specialist in your specialty and manufacture your portfolio. Ordinarily independent scholars can get between $300 – $1,000 per independent composing blog entry and more cash for longer pieces like white papers or reports and there are numerous other extra approaches to bring in cash off your blog, such as selling items, adapting your YouTube or on-blog recordings, offering admittance to a part region and numerous different ways. Continuously recall you are building a stage and the more imaginative you can be the more cash you will make.